Thursday, 5 May 2011

Online Exhibition


Most of the population of the world live now in cities. As urban creatures, we have been documenting our cities for a long time. Now we want to give you the chance to show the rest of the world your beautiful city.

In this ‘online exhibition’ we are looking for images taken by you that document the uniqueness of your city. Whether is those little spaces you only know, or the colourfulness of the taxies, we want to see what makes your city different to the rest. In a time where urban spaces become increasingly similar thanks to globalisation, we are looking for the little details that make your city stand up from the rest. This is a celebration of the different.

We are not here to tell you what to do, but to give you a platform where you can show your work.

Send us your photographs on of any city in the world and we will post it on our online exhibition.

Send images with your full name and the name of the city on: or
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